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Self Care While Travelling: 35 Simple Tips For a Joyful Journey

For many, travel is the ultimate form of self-care, but even the most fabulous vacation can be exhausting if you don’t practise deliberate self care while travelling.

We can easily forget that it’s just as important on the road as it is at home. Even the most seasoned travellers can find their routines slipping in the face of new adventures.

At home, you might have self-care down to a science: a good night’s sleep, balanced meals, and regular exercise. 

Travel can disrupt our routines in unexpected ways. Jet lag, different time zones, and the excitement of exploring can all throw a spanner in the works of our well-established habits.

But when we’re out of routine, navigating new places or indulging in the local cuisine, these habits can start to slide. That’s where a bit of planning and flexibility comes in.

In this guide, I’ve put together 35 easy tips to help you maintain your self-care routine while travelling. 

These tips are practical, easy to incorporate into your travel plans, and designed to ensure your journey is as rejuvenating as it is enjoyable.

So let’s dive in …

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The Importance of Self Care While Travelling

The importance of self-care became very apparent to me in my early solo travel days.
I’ve always been a planner, so when I first planned my road trips I tried to fit way too much in, and came home exhausted. If only I had slowed things down a little, and even taken a rest day, it would have been very different.

Thankfully I learned pretty quickly that I just couldn’t do it all. I had to find a balance between feeling rejuvenated and being able to enjoy what I had planned. This is particularly important to me as I do a lot of solo road trips, and being well-rested is paramount for safe travel, so I plan accordingly.

Only you will know what works for you – there are no rules. These tips cover a lot of different aspects of self-care, and not all will apply for you. 

So take what works but please at least do some planning and preparation before you head off – you can thank me later. 

Home office with 2 cats sitting on the desk and printer
My girls helping me plan my trips

Planning and Preparation

First up is getting set for your journey.

There’s a certain buzz that comes with planning a trip, right? 

It’s the anticipation, the daydreams of places you’ll see, and the little details that make a journey not just good, but great.

Organising with Ease: Your Travel Planner

One of my favourite ways to pave the way for hassle-free travel is to get organised before my trip.

I use a travel planner to create the journey that feels right for me, and with everything planned ahead of time, you have more energy to spend on enjoying your trip, rather than stressing over details.

It’s a place to put all of your travel details together and ensure you don’t forget anything.

If you need help getting organised, check out my free travel planner to have you sorted in no time.

From picking out those must-visit spots to remembering to pack that charger adapter – it’s all in there. 

It’s like having a chat with a friend who’s been there and done that, ensuring you’re all set for a smooth adventure.

You can grab my free travel planner including handy printable checklists here:

Grab your free travel planner full guide for solo travel over 50, plus the printables you never need.

Self-Care Time: Non-Negotiable

In the whirlwind of travel, it’s easy to forget to pause and breathe. 

That’s why pencilling in ‘me time’ is crucial. 

Whether it’s capturing the early morning light in your photos, enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee in a quaint café, or just sitting back with a book, these moments are your personal recharge sessions. 

They’re what transform a good trip into an extraordinary one.

Packing: It’s More Than Just Clothes

Packing can be a bit of an art form, can’t it? 

It’s about striking that perfect balance between practicality and comfort. 

It also depends on your luggage restrictions! I carefully weigh everything for flights, but for road trips, if it fits, it’s in! 

No one has ever accused me of packing lightly

Alongside the essentials, pack a few personal items that bring you joy and comfort. 

Your favourite travel journal, a cosy scarf, or that novel you’ve been meaning to read – these small additions to your suitcase can be a source of comfort and a reminder of home, no matter where you are.

Pack like a pro for solo travel over 50.

The Joy of Spontaneity

While having a plan is great, some of the best travel stories start with an unplanned turn. 

Leave a little wiggle room in your itinerary for those unexpected discoveries. Maybe it’s a local market that catches your eye, or you just spot something out of the corner of your eye when you’re driving.

Always stop! I don’t know how many times I said to myself at the beginning that I would go back.

Guess what, it never happens, so take the time (and plan for enough of that) for those unexpected moments – they often turn out to be one of your favourite memories of your travels.

Group Dynamics: A Gentle Balancing Act

As much as I love my solo travel, sometimes it’s with friends and family.

This can be a wonderful experience, but you need to know what everyone’s expectations are from the trip – it can (and should be) different for everyone.

Try to have a chat before you leave about what everyone’s looking forward to. It’s about making sure there’s time for the group activities everyone’s excited about, while also respecting individual preferences. 

Maybe you need a quiet morning to yourself, or perhaps someone else wants to explore a local art scene. 

It’s all about compromise and understanding, ensuring everyone comes away with their own special memories.


Ever come back from a trip thinking, “Well, I’m not doing that again”? That’s the seed of your “Don’t Do” list – a little goldmine of personal travel wisdom.

Reflect on your last getaway. Maybe there was that overly ambitious hike that left you more weary than wowed, or that popular tourist spot that felt more crowded than charismatic. It’s these ‘not-so-great’ bits that can really shape your next adventure.

Creating a “Don’t Do” list is like chatting with your future self. Picture this: You’re sipping your favourite coffee and jotting down notes like, “Next time, let’s skip the overpriced tourist traps” or “No more ‘see 10 cities in 10 days’ itineraries.” It’s all about learning what makes your travel heart sing and what… well, doesn’t.

This isn’t about being negative; it’s smart travel planning. It’s about honing in on what brings you joy, relaxation, and those priceless ‘aha’ moments. 

Maybe you discovered you’re more of a quaint café person than a bustling bar hopper, or you prefer leisurely strolls through local markets over fast-paced sightseeing tours.

Your “Don’t Do” list is a personal guide to making your next trip more you.

 It’s about skipping the guesswork and heading straight for the experiences that you know will fill your travel album with smiles, not sighs.

So, grab a notepad and start reminiscing. Your future travel self will thank you!

Physical Well-Being: Keeping Yourself in Top Shape

Travelling is an adventure that energises the soul, but it’s also important to keep our physical health in check. 

Here are some quick tips to help you stay healthy and vibrant on your travels.

Hydration: Your Daily Companion

I’ve learned that keeping a water bottle by my side is as essential as my camera. In different climates, I adjust my water intake accordingly. 

Sometimes, I add a slice of lemon or cucumber for an extra refreshing twist. It’s a small habit, but it keeps me alert and prevents dehydration, especially on those long sightseeing days.

One way I stay on top of this is to drink a glass whenever I have a meal. It’s easy to do and surprisingly quick it can become a habit.

Eating Right: A Balancing Act

Now I’m not saying to not enjoy fine cuisine when travelling, again it;s just about finding balance.

Have your splurges, but make sure you supplement it with some healthy snacks as well.

I tend to have my main meal at lunch and just something light back in my accommodation of an evening. This also helps with keeping a reasonable routine for a good night’s sleep and ready to hit the road the next morning.

Bonus : it can save a few dollars and budget is always important.

Indulgent breakfast: Most important meal of the day

Alcohol: Enjoy with a Dash of Caution

I know, party pooper! For sure enjoy a glass or two, but don’t go over the top.

For me, when travelling alone I need to stay aware at all times, and I have to be ready to drive again the next day.

Bubbles with a view: Don’t mind if I do

Sleep: Your Secret Ingredient for Energy

Good sleep is crucial, especially when adjusting to new time zones. 

I’ve found that sticking to a bedtime routine wherever possible, even while travelling, helps immensely. 

I find listening to music, or a few minutes reading can set the tone for a good night’s sleep.

It can also be challenging sleeping in different beds, even after a day filled with exploring, so consider taking your favourite pillow if your luggage allows. This has really helped me.

Exercise: Fit It Into Your Day

Depending on your type of trip, you might feel you’re not moving enough. This is not really an issue for me, as getting out taking photos and exploring ensures I get my steps in.

What I sometimes need is to fit in some stretching or yoga – youtube is my friend here.

Nothing quite like an early morning stroll

Personal Care: Little Luxuries Go a Long Way

Travel can be tough on your skin and feet. I always pack a travel-sized moisturiser, sunblock, and a cooling foot gel. 

These little items don’t take up much space, but they make a big difference in how I feel, especially after a day full of new experiences and explorations.

Tips on Managing Jet Lag

Jet lag doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of travel. Here are some straightforward tips to help you adjust to new time zones more comfortably:

  • Smart Arrival Planning: Try to schedule your arrival for later in the day. It’s often easier to stay up a little longer than to force yourself to sleep early.
  • Sync Your Watch: Set your watch to your destination’s local time as soon as you’re on the plane. It’s a simple mental cue to help your body adjust.
  • Stay Hydrated, Limit Caffeine: Keep up with your water intake and go easy on the caffeine. Proper hydration is crucial for helping your body adapt to the new time zone.
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Mental Well-Being – Nurturing Your Mind on Your Travels

Exploring new places is thrilling, but it can also be draining and stressful at times. You can be out of your comfort zone, and trying to be excited and happy all the time can be quite anxiety inducing.

Here are some practical ways to keep your mind as rejuvenated as your sense of adventure.

Limit Screen Time: Embrace the World Around You

Challenge yourself to reduce screen time. 

Set specific times to check emails or social media, maybe once in the morning and once in the evening. Use the rest of your day to engage with your surroundings.

Turning notifications off can help you resist the urge to be constantly checking, and try to use a camera for your photos instead of your phone. Out of sight, out of mind!

Mindfulness and Meditation: Your Portable Peace

Incorporate short meditation or mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. 

Even five minutes of focused breathing or a mindful observation exercise can make a difference. 

Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided sessions that are also perfect for travellers. Bonus – they can also help if you’re having trouble sleeping.

Listen to Your Body: The Art of Slowing Down

Pay attention to what your body tells you. If you’re tired, consider a slower-paced day. 

Visit a local garden, enjoy a leisurely brunch, or find a cosy spot to read. It’s about balancing activity with rest. 

Remember, there’s no need to rush – travel is as much about relaxation as it is about exploration.

Pamper Yourself: Simple Self-Care Acts

Self-pampering doesn’t have to be extravagant. It could be as simple as a long bath with a view, a self-applied face mask, or treating yourself to a local delicacy. 

If you’re up for it, book a massage or a spa day. These acts of self-care can be wonderfully restorative, especially after a long day of adventures.

Ice Cream counts as pampering right?!?
Consider Taking a Break from Social Media

Embracing the Moment, Offline

While social media keeps us connected, it can sometimes detract from the travel experience. Here’s why stepping back from social media on your trip can be beneficial:

Mental Health Matters: Constantly checking social media can be mentally exhausting. A break can help you avoid the overwhelm and the inadvertent comparisons that come with scrolling through feeds.

Resist the Posting Urge: It’s tempting to share your journey in real-time, but consider waiting until you’re back. You might find that experiencing moments fully, without the pressure to capture them for social media, can be incredibly liberating.

The Power of Now: Try a social media detox, even if it’s just for a few hours each day. It allows you to be fully present, soaking in your surroundings and engaging more deeply with the people and culture you’re experiencing.

Enjoying the Journey – Relishing Your Travels, One Moment at a Time

Travel is as much about the journey as the destination. It’s about finding those moments that resonate with you personally. 

Here are some tips to help you make the most of your travels, tailored to your own rhythm and interests.

Find Time for Relaxation:

Sometimes, the quiet moments can be the most memorable. 

Whether it’s losing yourself in a good book, enjoying your favourite tunes, or unwinding in a cosy corner of a café, these pockets of relaxation can add a wonderful balance to your travel experience. 

They’re not just breaks; they’re part of the adventure.

Setting Your Pace:

Whether you’re exploring a new city, walking through nature, or on a road trip, remember to set a pace that feels right for you. 

It’s about creating a balance between seeing the sights and taking the time to absorb them. This is where your planning and learning from past trips really comes into play.

Rushing from place to place can leave you feeling more frazzled than fulfilled.

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Embrace New Experiences:

There’s a special kind of joy in trying something new. It could be a local cooking class, a guided historical tour, or even a spontaneous detour. 

On one of my trips, we had non-stop rain for a couple of days, so we booked into a ceramics class to fill in some time – so much fun! We just had to organise to have our finished products mailed to us once they were ready. 

It was such a nice memory to receive in the mail once I got home.

These experiences often become the most cherished parts of our travels, adding unique and personal stories to our journey.

Mindful Photography – A Snapshot of Serenity

Now, this isn’t a photography guide, but as someone who loves to capture the world through a lens, I can’t help but share a bit of that joy. 

If you’re like me and enjoy weaving photography into your travels, here are some tips to make it a more enriching part of your journey.

Take a Good Look Around First: Before you even think about clicking, give yourself a moment to really be in the scene. It’s like letting the place tell you its story first. 

You’ll find that your photos become more than just images – they’re chapters of your travel tale.

It’s Not About Quantity: I’ve found that the best photos come from waiting for that ‘just-right’ moment. 

It could be the early morning calm, a burst of laughter at a street corner, or the perfect afternoon light spilling through trees. 

These are the shots that you’ll look back on and think, “Ah, that was a moment worth capturing.”

Your Unique View: Remember, your photos are your way of sharing how you see the world. So, if a quiet alleyway catches your eye more than a famous landmark, that’s perfectly fine. 

It’s your journey, your story, your lens.

Camera Down, Senses Up: Sometimes, the best thing to do is to put the camera away and just soak it all in. Feel the sun on your face, listen to the sounds around you, breathe in the air – these moments of full presence can often inspire your next great photo.

Photography as a part of travel isn’t just about taking pictures; it’s about connecting with your surroundings and capturing memories in a way that’s meaningful to you. 

So go on, blend in a bit of photography with your travels, and see how it adds another layer of joy to your adventures.

Personal Comfort

Just like finding the perfect spot for a sunrise shoot, ensuring personal comfort on your travels can make all the difference. 

Here’s how I like to weave a bit of homey warmth into my journeys, making each trip as comfortable as it is exciting.

Navigating Safety with Savvy:

Just like scouting for the best photography spots, ensuring safety on your travels requires a bit of savvy. 

I always do a bit of homework on my destinations – it’s like setting up the perfect shot. 

Knowing where to go, and where not to, helps me wander much more confidently.

Staying Connected, Simply:

Keeping in touch while on the move? I’ve found that simplicity is key. 

A quick message or call over Wi-Fi lets me share those ‘wish you were here’ moments without fuss. 

It’s like sending a postcard, but in real-time, keeping those home connections strong and sweet.

Travel is also a wonderful way to make new friends, so be sure to leave some time for connection while you’re on the road. 

Little Reminders of Home:

Bringing a small piece of home on my travels always adds a comforting touch. 

Whether it’s a favourite scarf that’s travelled the world with me or a photo that brings back fond memories, these little things infuse a sense of familiarity into new surroundings.

For me, I always travel with a small scented candle. It doesn’t take up too much room, but adds a nice personal touch to wherever I’m staying.

Comfort in Every Step:

Just like choosing the right lens for a day of shooting, picking the right travel gear is crucial. 

Comfortable shoes and a bag that fits just right – they’re the unsung heroes of any travel story.

Believe it or not, but shoes are the thing I probably take too many of for my trips. For me, having comfortable feet can make or break a trip – you really can’t get out and see much if walking is painful.

They make sure I’m able to focus on the experience, not on sore feet or a cumbersome load.

Pack like a pro for solo travel over 50.

Being Kind to Yourself:

There are days when you might not feel up to exploring, and that’s perfectly okay. 

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, if you need a day to just relax, read, or enjoy a leisurely walk, take it. Your journey is yours to shape. 

Remember, taking a break is not a setback; it’s an essential part of the travel experience, giving you time to reflect and recharge.

Talk to yourself just as you would to a good friend. Show some compassion to yourself and don’t beat yourself up when something goes wrong. They will, you will also make mistakes – the trick is to learn from them, put it down to experience and keep moving forward.

Roadside coffee stop

Reflection and Savouring Every Day of Your Journey

Travel is a tapestry of experiences, and taking time each day to reflect and appreciate can enrich your journey immensely. 

Here are some simple yet powerful ways to deepen your travel experience, day by day.

Journalling: More Than Just a Diary:

There’s something quite special about capturing your daily travel experiences in a journal. 

It’s not just about where you went or what you saw, but about how it made you feel, the people you met, and the unexpected moments that took your breath away. 

This daily ritual of jotting down thoughts turns your journal into a cherished keepsake of your journey.

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection

~ Anaïs Nin

Practising Gratitude:

Each day brings its own set of wonders. 

Maybe it’s the way the morning light illuminated a landscape, a delightful meal, or a chat with someone you meet along the way. 

Taking a moment to acknowledge these joys cultivates a sense of gratitude, making each day of your trip more meaningful and rewarding.

Keeping Post-Travel Blues at Bay:

To keep the spirit of your travels alive, it’s helpful to have strategies to manage post-travel blues. 

One approach is to take a little time each day to think about what you’re looking forward to when you return. 

Planning future adventures or arranging to share your stories and photos can also keep the excitement going. For more insights, have a look at this article:

Wrap Up on Self-Care While Travelling

As we wrap up our journey through the world of travel self-care, remember, it’s perfectly normal to experience a mix of exhilarating highs and challenging lows on the road. 

Travel, much like a good photo, captures a spectrum of experiences. It’s not always about the picture-perfect moments; sometimes, it’s the unexpected detours that bring the most joy.

Carry your self-care habits with you as you travel. 

If you’re someone who cherishes extra sleep, plan your days to ensure those restful zzz’s. If a quiet hour in the morning with your camera is your bliss, carve out that time. 

Your travel is your canvas – paint it in a way that reflects your needs and desires.

And now, I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a self-care tip that’s been a game-changer in your travels? Drop a line in the comments. 

Let’s share and grow together in our travel adventures, capturing not just sights but also well-being in our lenses.

Keep clicking and sipping 📷 ☕️🍷

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